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You can define errors in protos and generate enums with protoc-gen-go.

Error in errors pacakge implements GRPCStatus() interface,The conversion between grpc and HTTP error code is realized, and the business reason is returned through errorinfo.

// The error code is consistent with HTTP status and can be converted into grpc status in grpc.
"code": 500,
// The error reason is defined as the business judgment error code.
"reason": "USER_NOT_FOUND",
// Error information is user-readable information and can be used as user prompt content.
"message": "invalid argument error",
// Error meta information, add additional extensible information for the error.
"metadata": {
"foo": "bar"


go install

Error Defination


syntax = "proto3";

package api.kratos.v1;
import "errors/errors.proto";

// Define the package name for source code reference.
option go_package = "kratos/api/helloworld;helloworld";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "api.helloworld";

enum ErrorReason {
// Set default error code.
option (errors.default_code) = 500;

// Set the error code separately for an enumeration.
USER_NOT_FOUND = 0 [(errors.code) = 404];

CONTENT_MISSING = 1 [(errors.code) = 400];

Error Generation

To generate code with protoc.

protoc --proto_path=. \
--proto_path=./third_party \
--go_out=paths=source_relative:. \
--go-errors_out=paths=source_relative:. \

Or use the makefile directive at the root of the project

make errors

After successful execution, will be generated in the api/helloworld directory a go file,The code is as follows.

package helloworld

import (
fmt "fmt"
errors ""

// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the kratos package it is being compiled against.
const _ = errors.SupportPackageIsVersion1

func IsUserNotFound(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
e := errors.FromError(err)
return e.Reason == ErrorReason_USER_NOT_FOUND.String() && e.Code == 404

func ErrorUserNotFound(format string, args ...interface{}) *errors.Error {
return errors.New(404, ErrorReason_USER_NOT_FOUND.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))

func IsContentMissing(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
e := errors.FromError(err)
return e.Reason == ErrorReason_CONTENT_MISSING.String() && e.Code == 400

func ErrorContentMissing(format string, args ...interface{}) *errors.Error {
return errors.New(400, ErrorReason_CONTENT_MISSING.String(), fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))


import "kratos/api/helloworld"

err := wrong()

if errors.Is(err,errors.BadRequest("USER_NAME_EMPTY","")) {
// do something

e := errors.FromError(err)
if e.Reason == "USER_NAME_EMPTY" && e.Code == 500 {
// do something

if helloworld.IsUserNotFound(err) {
// do something